You can read about us in section called About Creative Sound company.

In short we are group of creative professionals based in Prague and Surrounding cities with aim to provide professional solutions in Music, Video post productions. We have solid background

We are able to operate worldwide.

Contact information:

Sales and Customer services

Tomas Bilek, Founder and CEO

Brandys nad Labem – Stara Boleslav/Czech Republic/Europe

tel.: +420 723 812 148
skype: tomas.bilek


Company Identification Number (IČ):  7667 0830 (Non-payer of VAT)

An entrepreneur registered in the Trade Register MU Brandys nad Labem-Stara Boleslav (Podnikatel zapsán v živnostenském rejstříku MÚ Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav)

Social networks

If you want to track us on social networks you can find us on following channels:


Social Sound